Vessel Registration Process

The registration procedure is an easy and straight forward procedure in accordance with national and international standards. The registration procedure for vessels aims to safeguard the interest of the ship owners as well as buyers. It meets all requirements of national and international organizations.

To Register vessels of any type and to conduct registration of new building ships and transferring of existing vessels from other flag Administrations.

The following documentation should be submitted for the Registration of ships under St.Maarten Flag. Upon satisfactory completion of the Registration process, the vessel will be issued with a Provisional Certificate of Registry, Provisional Ship Station License and Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. All the Provisional Certificates issued to a vessel have validity of six (3) months.

The Required completed Documents for Initial vessel registration:
Copy of Bill of Sale duly Notarized
Copy of Builder’s Certificate (for New Build vessel)
Copy of Court Decision, in case the vessel was bought by auction court order.
Application for Registration (IMRR01) - Note: If the application is not applied by the owner, the owner should provide an Authorization Letter to the person who applied on behalf of the owner stating the relationship of the authorized person).
Service Provider/Resident Agent in St.Maarten Application form
Incorporation Documents– For applications by a company.
Copy of Passport - For applications by Individuals.
Copy of previous International Tonnage Certificate.
Copy of Previous Registration Certificates
Copy of RAA Confirmation Letter
RO confirmation letter.
Copy of Previous Class and Survey Status (If Available).
Acceptance of Quote
Declaration for Company (DC01) & KYC Form (KYCF01)

Requirements for Permanent Registration

The following Documentation should be submitted within 90 days from the date of first Provisional Registration for the Permanent Registration of ships.
The validity of Permanent Certificates is five (5) years counted from the date of 1st Provisional Certificate.
Original notarized or certified true copy of the Original Notarized Bill of Sale (showing the transfer of ownership) or original notarized Builder’s Certificate.
Original Deletion Certificate from the previous registry.
Copy of Deletion CSR - if applicable
Original Application Form (IMRR01) duly signed by owner or applicant who is authorized by the owner. Note* If the application was not applied by the owner, the owner should provide an Authorization Letter to the person who applied on behalf of the owner stating the relationship of the authorized person.
Service Provider/Resident Agent in St.Maarten Application form
Copies of valid Statutory and Class Certificates issued on behalf of St.Maarten by a Recognized Organization (including ISM, ISPS if applicable)
Updated Crew list and copies of Seafarer’s COEs including the certificate of Endorsement for the Special Certificate for passengers and tankers.
Radio Equipment Details (RAA01) - Equipment Description and Frequencies, if applicable.
Copy of LRIT Certificate Conformance Report.
Copy of valid BCC for Vessels from 1000 GT and above
Copy of CLC for Oil Tankers and for Ships that carry 2000 Tons of oil in Bulk
Copy of DMLC

Yacht Registration Process
Registration of yacht under St .Maarten Ship Registry is strictly followed and is governed by the “Law of Aquatic Transport and the Decree 4877 and regulation of Law 399 of the Government of St.Maarten.
The documents to be submitted are:
Copy of Bill of Sale Notarized.
Copy Notarized Builder’s Certificate (If New Ship.)
Application for Registration –Form duly completed and Signed by the applicant. (IMRR01).
Certificate of Incorporation and Document in which shows who are the owners – For applications by a company.
Service Provider/Resident Agent in St.Maarten Application form
Copy of Passport – For application by individuals.
Copy of previous statutory certificates if available.
Copy of previous Registration Certificate or Yacht Club certificate.
Letter of confirmation from Recognized Organization that ship to be registered has arranged performance of survey for the ship.

For commercial Yachts only – MSMC is required – Certificate of endorsement will also required under IMRR Quotation Approval letter
Invoice Number

Maritime Labour Complaints Process
A global instrument of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping ,along with the key conventions of the IMO.
ILO's Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) aims to provide decent conditions of work for all seafarers. Maritime Labour Convention covers a wide range of subjects, and aims to be globally applicable, easily understandable, readily updatable and uniformly enforced. It consolidates and updates many of the international labour standards related to the Maritime sector adopted over the last 80 years and is set to become the fourth pillar of the international regulatory regime of maritime industry along with SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW Conventions.

Owners of vessels calling ports of any of Member State to the Convention are encouraged voluntary compliance considering the "no more favourable treatment" clause. The Convention requires all vessels of 500 GT and above engaged on international voyages to hold a valid "Maritime Labour Certificate". Vessels less than 500 GT shall be inspected for compliance with MLC at intervals not more than 3 years. The Convention in general does not apply to fishing vessels, traditional build vessels such as dhows and junks and vessels operating exclusively in inland waters or, waters within or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply.

Applicability to Seafarers
MLC 2006 is applicable to any person engaged or working in any capacity on board a ship for which the Convention applies. Exclusions can be granted for certain crew on a case by case basis considering the duration of the stay on board of the persons concerned; the frequency of periods of work spent on board; the location of the person's principal place of work; the purpose of the person's work on board; the protection that would normally be available to the persons concerned with regard to their labour and social conditions to ensure they are comparable to that provided for under the Convention.
Request for such exclusions shall be made at the time that the DMLC Part I is submitted.
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, Part I (DMLC Part I)

For any complaints raised by the seafarers under Title 5 of the Convention should be communicated to
Owners should provide all seafarers working on a St.Maarten ship with a copy of the on-board complaint procedures applicable on the ship that should include the above mentioned e-mail address together with the full contact details of IMRR.


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